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RideOnTrack’s Condition-Based Monitor Platform for Railway Infrastructure Managers. Stay ahead of maintenance with our innovative solution designed to monitor assets alongside the tracks. Get actionable insights, optimize maintenance planning, and enhance asset performance. Discover a new era of efficient railway infrastructure management.

Sander Denorme, IoT R&D Engineer
  • Learn to navigate the different elements of the Playback Feature
  • Select the relevant measurement source (CodiTrack equipped train, Cellphone, ...) to display the logbook of performed measurements
  • Replay the position, velocity, and measurements of the selected source
  • Generate graphs of the performed measurements related to the measuring time
  • Simulation of relevant use cases for Rail IMs, including checking of train velocity over time, stop durations, and loss of network service

This is the fourth lesson in our CodiTrack Radio Performance tutorial series. In this 6-minute video, you will learn to use the Playback feature.

Sander Denorme, IoT R&D Engineer
  • Quickly get an overview of the Radio QoS performance of a specific railway track
  • Understand how to locate zones of sub-par performance on the selected track, and elements that might impact performance
  • Compare the performance of the available Public Network Operators and GSM-R Network alongside the selected track
  • Visualse historic or near real-time date for the selected track
  • Identify radio cell handover problems for the selected track

This is the third lesson in our CodiTrack Radio Performance tutorial series. In this 13-minute video, you will learn to use the Analytics feature.

Sander Denorme, IoT R&D Engineer
  • Learn to navigate the different elements of the Radio Performance Heatmap
  • Visualise GSM-R, Public Operator Networks and Position information on the Heatmap
  • Learn to filter relevant data using the filter panel
  • Compare historic to real-time data
  • Highlight zones of poor network performance
  • Understand how measurements are performed and visualised on the CodiTrack platform
  • Understand what quality-of-service and data measurements are performed, and how they relate to network service
  • Simulation of relevant use cases for Rail IMs, including impact of changes to network instrastructure
  • Highlight zones with position deviation

This is the second lesson in our CodiTrack Radio Performance tutorial series. In this 18-minute video, you will learn to use the Heatmap feature.

Sander Denorme, IoT R&D Engineer
  • rCloud & CodiTrack Introduction
  • Platform Components
  • Feature Overview

This is the initial lesson in our CodiTrack Radio Performance tutorial series. In this 5-minute video, we introduce the CodiTrack platform, focusing on its core functionalities and interface.

What you will learn:

  • The essential components of the platform.
  • A brief overview of CodiTrack’s Radio Measurement features tailored for the railway sector.
  • A practical guide to navigating the platform’s graphical user interface (GUI).

The tutorial is intended to set the groundwork for the subsequent, more detailed lessons.

This tutorial is targeted at railway infrastructure IT and radio professionals, as well as managers interested in optimizing their radio performance with CodiTrack.

Tune in to familiarize yourself with the foundational aspects of CodiTrack.